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  • This Week in REALM

This Week in REALM

App updates, our first event, and our next retreat.

Hope you had a productive week!

Here’s a quick update on what’s been cooking in the REALM lab.

1. REALM Beta - Feed

A new and improved feed. Picture Instagram, but with a creative twist. You can post photos, videos, AND audio, and you can let others download your posts. For example, we’ve already seen members post loops that spark collaborations.

2. REALM Beta - The Arena and RAI

We're working on the designs for the arena leaderboard and RAI. If you need a quick refresher on these features:

  • The Arena is where you submit your music to challenges that win you rewards or give you access to exclusive opportunities, like being flown out for our next REALM Retreat.

  • RAI stands for REALM AI. Soon, RAI will help you generate your profile when you sign-up. But the real magic is when you go to “search” and ask RAI to find you a collaborator, like a producer who plays guitar near you and has also been cosigned by someone you follow. BOOM, then RAI will share REALM profiles for you to review and connect accordingly.

    • Pro tip

      • You can also ask RAI things like “Give me other songs that have the same chord progression as “insert song"),” or, “How can I create vocal presets in logic?”

3. First REALM LIVE Event & Next REALM Retreat


  • We're cooking up our first REALM LIVE event in Miami in the coming weeks. If you're interested, RSVP now to receive updates on date, time, and location.

REALM Retreats

4. In Case You Missed It

Merch Drop: Our first merch drop is live, powered by Aura. Grab your hoodie or a hat and showcase your day 1 status as a member of REALM.

Retreat Highlights: If you missed clips from our first retreat, we've got some highlights on our socials. Check out DANJA's collaboration with members here, and Rico Love's talk about why REALM matters here.

We're excited about the progress, we appreciate your feedback, and we're grateful to have you along for the ride. It's not just about building another app; it's about creating a dedicated space for the people behind the music, away from the noise of social media.

Stay tuned, and as always, feel free to reach out with any thoughts or questions.